...Community Property Issues
......Division of C/P
.........Equal Division Required
10 Cards On This Topic:
  • Equal division required by statute.
  • Interests of spouses in assets of marital community are "present, existing, and equal" during continuance of marriage.
  • In dissolution, residual assets each party receives, after deduction of liabilities, must be equal.
  • Parties not required to divide c/p equally; court does not scrutinize the MSA to ensure that it sets out an equal division.
  • If assets exceed liabilities, both must be divided equally.
  • Court merely divides the c/p which parties already own by virtue of marital relationship.
  • Assets must be divided equally after first subtracting all debts.
  • Cal. views spouses as equally contributing to acquisition of c/p, regardless of which spouse actually "earned" property.
  • Division of assets must be meaningful.
  • Legislature’s fundamental objective with respect to the disposition of c/p upon dissolution under Family Law Act was to provide for an equal division; the ideal clearly is a mathematically equal division.