......Moving Papers: Filing & Service
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  • 16 court-day + 5 calendar-day if by mail rule for service and filing of moving and supporting papers effective 1/1/2005.
  • Unless otherwise ordered by court, demurring party must serve and file moving papers at least 16 court days before hearing.
  • Demurring party must serve notice which specifies hearing date.
  • Extension of time for mail and fax service.
  • Demurring party must file proof of service no later than 5 court days before hearing.
  • Demurring party must file with ct. and serve notice of hearing, demurrer, supporting memorandum and Proof of Service.
  • Demurring party must serve and file supporting memorandum with demurrer in form required by Rules of Court; if no supporting memorandum, may be construed as admission demurrer has no merit.