...Summary Judgment & Summary Adjudication
......Ruling on Motion
.........First Amendment Issues
7 Cards On This Topic:
  • Question for SJ is whether evidence can support reasonable jury finding that P has, or has not, shown actual malice by clear and convincing evidence; binding on Cal. cts.
  • Since jury verdict in defamation only supported when actual malice shown by clear and convincing evidence, evidence of all inferences reasonably be drawn from it must meet that higher standard.
  • SJ a favored remedy in defamation and invasion of privacy cases due to chilling effect of protracted litigation on 1st Amend. rights.
  • Not essential to liability that trier of fact find evil or malicious purpose; free press not threatened by requiring agents to operate w/in bounds of basic decency.
  • Summary judgment favored remedy in libel actions: Expeditious disposition of defamation litigation is paramount, given importance of speech freedoms in democratic society.
  • Though SJ is favored First Amend. remedy, does not mean SJ granted where there is triable issue of material fact.
  • As unnecessarily protracted litigation would have chilling effect on First Amend. rights, speedy resolution of free speech cases desirable; SJ is favored remedy