...Summary Judgment & Summary Adjudication
......Motion Inapplicable
10 Cards On This Topic:
  • Motions for summary judgment under CCP §437c are inapplicable to proceedings under Sexually Violent Predators Act.
  • Summary judgment and summary adjudication inappropriate where K terms ambiguous.
  • SJ improper where terms of K ambiguous.
  • SJ improper where terms of K ambiguous and subject to varying interpretations.
  • Where one D not identified in K and no legal or evidentiary basis to extend K benefits to D, D failed to establish entitlement to SA on basis of K.
  • SJ not available to resolve punitive damage claims.
  • In consumer class action, summary judgment or summary adjudication motion may not be granted.
  • SJ unavailable in action to terminate parental rights.
  • SJ sparingly used in antitrust actions.
  • SJ not available in election contest.