Attorney's BriefCase

PreTrial Adjudication

Most civil cases are essntially "won or lost" at the PreTrial Adjudication stage. This module is a focused in-depth treatment of this essential area of law, including Summary Judgment, Summary Adjudication of Issues, Arbitration, Judgment on the Pleadings, and related areas.


Main Subject Index
  • Contract Arbitration
  • Default
  • Demurrers
  • Dismissal
  • Injunctions
  • Judgment on the Pleadings
  • Judicial Arbitration
  • Jurisdiction & Venue
  • Motion to Strike
  • Pleading
  • Service: Process & Papers
  • Summary Judgment & Summary Adjudication

The Authors

Hon. Paul Turner
Presiding Justice, Division 5, California Court of Appeal for the Second District

Justice Turner is an honors graduate of Cal. State University, Long Beach and has a law degree from UCLA. He practiced law, handling both civil and criminal appeals, from 1973 to 1983, when he was appointed Judge of the L.A. Municipal Court. Two years later he was appointed Judge of the Superior Court and, in 1989, was appointed to the Court of Appeal for the Second District Second District. As a capstone to a judicial career which has been described as nothing short of "meteoric", Justice Turner was in 1991 appointed Presiding Justice of Division Five.